Here are FAQs specific to screenings at UT Austin. For general questions about the checkups, please click here.
Who is eligible to participate in a wellness screening?
Any member of the UT SELECT Medical Plan over the age of 18 may participate for free given that he or she brings his or her valid insurance card with them at the time of screening. While there is no charge to UT Select members, there is a charge to our health insurance plan and a fee for no-shows. Please make every effort to attend your scheduled appointment. Treat this like you would any other healthcare appointment.
Who will my results be shared with?
Your results will be shared with providers of the UT SELECT health insurance plan (e.g., Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Express Scripts, etc.) in order to enhance care and inform you about relevant program benefits (i.e., condition management). No individual health information is shared with UT Austin. The UT Austin HealthPoint Wellness Program receives an aggregate (group) report for program planning purposes.
If you would like, you may request that Catapult Health confidentially faxes your results to your primary care doctor.
If I participate in this screening, will I still be eligible for an annual preventive exam with my physician without a co-pay or deductible?
UT SELECT Medical provides 100% coverage for all preventive screenings as long as you see a network provider and meet certain screening eligibility requirements. More details are available at
If I have already received an annual preventive exam this plan year am I still eligible to participate in this screening free of charge?
Yes. However, if your annual preventive exam results are considered healthy or your health care provider states that your results are low risk, you shouldn’t receive another exam in the same plan year as the UT SELECT Medical plan will have to cover this unnecessary cost. Learn more at