Intern and Graduate Assistant Positions

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Each semester, HealthPoint has opportunities for internships and graduate assistant positions within the wellness program or the tobacco free campus program.

The overall goal of the Tobacco Free Campus and Wellness Program is to improve the health and well-being of faculty and staff. We accomplish our mission through improving policies and the environment to make it easier to be healthy on campus. We also provide educational opportunities and wellness programs.  


Internships are geared towards undergraduate students interested in public health, health and wellness, occupational health, and physical fitness. HealthPoint has collaborated with UT Austin professors to provide extra credit or completion of project requirements for courses by providing opportunities for students to work on designed projects, event volunteering, and other agreed upon activities. (Unpaid)

List of previous internship projects:

- Social media/communication campaigns

- Tobacco Free Ambassador Enforcement

- Work-site Wellness Event Planning and Coordination

- Tobacco Free Research and Analysis

Job responsiblities vary depending upon the intern's interest and schedule and the current needs of HealthPoint.

Required Qualifications:

1. Must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student

2. Commit to at least one full semester

If interested, feel free to contact HealthPoint Wellness. We always appreciate having interns and working with them to increase their experience and knowledge.


Graduate assistants will work in various capacities within the Wellness program and the Tobacco Free Campus program. On-site training is provided by the Work-life and Wellness Manager. This is a paid position with flexible hours. For a detailed job description, click here

Position subject to availability. Email your resume and a cover letter to HealthPoint Wellness